Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 25

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 25

You are challenged to articulate your aspirations for 2024 into one, all-encompassing, meaningful word. Look for yours in the world around you. Let it come to you via hints, signs, signals, and symbols. Choosing a “word for the year” is a helpful way to combine your...

Molly’s Miracles- Challenge 22

Molly’s Miracles- Challenge 22

Optimism is much needed in our world right now! Molly was naturally gifted at finding the good in others and situations. By choosing an optimistic outlook, we serve as models of appreciation for life’s blessings, bring peace and joy to others, and we, ourselves, simply feel better!

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 19

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 19

This month’s challenge is to bring light to the world through acts of service, something that Molly naturally did to make the world around her a better place. What can you do for others? How can you make a difference? “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 16

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 16

PEOPLE, EXPERIENCES, and MEMORIES! Molly was about her people, their shared experiences, and the memories they made together. Molly loved being with her crew and having adventures, big or small. Her ever-present, radiant smile is testament to the value she placed on...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 14

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 14

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.What is your faith commitment? What are your outward signs of faith that others see? How do you bring light to the world?  To have known Molly is to have known her deep faith and strong...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 11

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 11

TAKE CARE OF YOU! Do something(s) for yourself. It is often said that one cannot take care of others until they take care of themselves! To be present for others and support their needs, you must also tend to your own needs. Your challenge this month is to seek ways...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 8

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 8

IT IS EASTER AND HE IS RISEN! Today not only marks Easter but also two difficult months without our sweet Molly physically here with us on earth. Though our hearts are still hurting we understand most especially on this day that she is living in the eternal life that...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 5

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 5

ADVENTURE “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” St. John Paul ll - From Molly’s Instagram Banner Adventure is defined as “an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.” Molly defined adventures as anything that brought a smile to your...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 2

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 2

REACH OUT TO OTHERS. In remembrance of Molly's incredible spirit, today’s challenge is simple, it is to call someone who needs to hear your voice. Give another the gift of a caring connection. This is an unimaginable journey made easier by truly knowing Molly’s...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 24

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 24

Because of  YOU, Molly’s Miracles was able to participate in “Do Good December”, by bringing light to the world through various acts of charity during this giving season and in true Molly fashion. Thank you for your donations in her memory. Your kindness and...

Molly’s Miracles- Challenge 21

Molly’s Miracles- Challenge 21

The change in seasons is just around the corner. Molly loved Fall, as it brought football, cooler weather, beautiful scenery, and a welcomed time of change after the summer months. Soon this season will be upon us, so this month’s challenge is CHANGE! What do you want...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 18

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 18

 Signs & Wonders, Wonders & Signs  Life, Golf, and a Sign – Watch for YOUR Signs and Wonders! This incredible story with an amazing sign is shared by John. Golf has an interesting way of imitating life, or vice versa. For those who aren't golfers, maybe this...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 1-15 Review

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 1-15 Review

To honor Molly’s beautiful legacy of bringing light and love to the world, challenges have been offered monthly (15 so far). So many beautiful acts of kindness, love, and charity have been done to bring these challenges to life. This month’s challenge is to review...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 13

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 13

GRATITUDE.  To know Molly is to know her sense of gratitude. She was always thankful for things….big and small! She shared her appreciation in so many ways. She modeled gratitude by talking with others, writing thank you cards, personal journaling, special notes to...

Molly’s Miracles- Challenge 10

Molly’s Miracles- Challenge 10

DO INTENTIONAL ACTS OF KINDNESS FOR OTHERS. As we continue to hear beautiful and heartwarming stories, it is evident that Molly truly was one of the kindest souls and an angel to so many. Her intentional kindness to others was a part of who she was to the core of her...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 7

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 7

BE HELPFUL TO OTHERS, be a light in the sometimes dark world! “Molly was salt and light” - a tribute shared by a colleague at Penumbra. “Holiness grows so fast where there is kindness. The world is lost for want of sweetness and kindness. Do not forget we need each...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 4

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 4

KINDNESS Live and Love Like Molly!  Kindness….. Molly was so kind to everyone, always! She had a beautifully radiant smile, supportive words, and a helpful hand for all. Her mind was always in “kindness mode” as she cared deeply for others and she naturally gravitated...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 1

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 1

FIND YOUR FAITH AND HAVE AN ADVENTURE. It is Sunday. Molly’s favorite day. A sacred day. A day where she and her fiancé Drew would go to Mass at St. Joseph’s Basilica with their favorite Priest, Fr. Mario and then go on some amazing adventure. Your challenge today is...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 23

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 23

“Noteworthy November” This month, we challenge you to take time to write a note to someone. Reach out to whoever is on your mind or to someone special you haven’t talked with in a while. Take time to compose a text, email, or, better yet, write them a handwritten...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 20

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 20

CELEBRATE! This month's challenge is to CELEBRATE! Celebrate the great things in our lives-big and small. This is something Molly was naturally good at, and we can all strive to be too. We challenge you to find something to celebrate each day and to reflect at the end...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 17

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 17

This month's challenge is in honor of Donate Life Month, to raise awareness of the lifesaving gift of organ donation. As you know, Molly was an organ donor. She made that decision on her own, at age 16, and shared her wishes with us. Because of that, she was able to...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 15

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 15

“PRESENCE” rather than Presents. During this giving season, our minds often turn to giving gifts. This month’s challenge is to give “presence” rather than “presents”. Consider who needs you. Who needs time with you? Who needs a hug? A message? A smile? A listening...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 12

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 12

Find True JOY. Joy is the abiding sense of well-being. Molly knew this and radiated JOY throughout her short life. She knew that TRUST leads to LOVE which leads to JOY. Molly found JOY in her life through her strong faith because she trusted and loved the Lord. JOY is...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 9

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 9

DO ONE THING EACH DAY THAT BRINGS YOU JOY!   Molly was always so good at staying centered, finding balance, and exuding a sense of peacefulness (unless it came to competition!) What makes you smile and brings you joy? Your newest challenge is to do something each...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 6

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 6

FAITH - Bring light to the world! Grow in your faith and support the faith of others. Molly has always been a faithful example of a prayer warrior on earth and now she is our Guardian Angel in heaven. Her walk with Christ is a shining example for all of us and...

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 3

Molly’s Miracles – Challenge 3

SMILES 2/22/22 I really wasn’t going to post today…but then how can I not on 2/22/22? Molly being our “numbers girl” would have LOVED this day. She would have been making puns and jokes and celebrating “Twosday”. She would have been texting and Snapping so many of...