Friends Helping Friends

Friends Helping Friends

Molly’s Miracles contributed an auction basket to the “Friends Helping Friends” community cancer benefit on 3/9/24. The basket was entitled, “Family Game Night”, and included many of Molly’s favorite things. Just add family and friends for a competitive and fun-filled...

Joel Meyers

I was going through some old photos and came across a few with Molly that made me laugh. Somehow Molly convinced our Biology group to record and film a rap about chlorophylls for a school project. We all showed up at the park dressed in green laughing while we made...

Jim & Nancy Negri

We thank God every day for this spectacular place we call home. The beauty of the mountains rise up toward heaven. Your faith, your kindness, your generosity…everything about you Molly, is an inspiration to all. You are truly an angel of God. 😇 and through our getting...