Who you are is your gift from God. Who you become is your gift to God. How fortunate were all who crossed your path, my sweet sis, to experience both these gifts firsthand. Though initially my stubborn three year old self wanted to bring home Emily, I’m sure glad it was Molly Anne, ”My Little Sunshiney”, who came to bless my life and complete our family. You’ve been my best friend from day one and I don’t know how I can carry on without you. You made my job as a big sister so enjoyable and pretty effortless, minus the fact that you seemed to outdo me in everything from academic achievements to athletic performance, even musical talents…except the whistling of course. I had ya there. You amazed me day after day and will forever make this big sis strive to be like the incredible woman you were. Your faith was inspiring, your sweet soul unmatched. Thank you, Molly for making me a big sister and simultaneously becoming my very best friend. You made this world a better place and must have fulfilled your God-given mission in your short 23 years here to have been called from this life. Drew, thank you for making my sister the happiest she could ever be. I am eternally grateful. You always treated her like the absolute angel she was. Thank you, Mike and Angela for raising such a perfect son for my sister, and welcoming her and us into your family. Thank you, Ally for ensuring he is strong and tough, and was able to be Molly’s protector. As Father Mike said, “It is easy to talk about the cross. It is not easy to carry your cross.” Molls, I pray that you help us carry our crosses. It is going to be a lifelong, daily battle without you physically here. To all who have prayed for my sis, our families, and the surgical teams, thank you. We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Please continue to pray for my sister’s eternal rest, her fiancé Drew’s perseverance and strength, and then peace and endurance for our families as we carry on in this life. Molly, your organs are going to be lifesaving to others as you wished. Your selflessness and love lives on. I look forward to the day I get to meet the fortunate recipients. #MollysMiracle