Because of YOU, Molly’s Miracles was able to participate in “Do Good December”, by bringing light to the world through various acts of charity during this giving season and in true Molly fashion. Thank you for your donations in her memory.
Your kindness and generosity has supported the following within the past month:
- Through Operation Christmas Child, seven gift boxes were sent to children throughout the world.
- Grand County Food Bank received donations of much needed food, including items to be sent home with students over weekends and school breaks.
- The Youth Group of Our Lady of the Snow was treated to a homemade pasta dinner with sides and dessert during their recent Advent study group.
- Donations of wipes and diapers were given to The Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand County.
- A monetary donation was made to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in support of their mission and for planning of 2024 student camps.
- A monetary donation was given thru Our Lady of the Snow (the church where Molly and Drew were to be married) to fund the drilling of a water well to help the residents in the village of Kocass, Cameroon (the hometown of our Priest at Our Lady of the Snow) to provide fresh drinking water for its villagers.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me…
Matthew 25:35-36
Thank you for being a part of “Do Good December”.